International corporate speaker and BNI member Lee Roebeck will be giving a presentation on effective goal setting for businesses during the pandemic at the next Malta BNI Business Briefing on March 24.

Roebeck has already delivered a pre­sentation on this subject at the last BNI online Global Convention held last November.

Malta BNI national director David Bullock said: “Whether you are stuck and struggling to achieve success or already doing well, and just want to level up and grow your business while asking yourself ‘when’s all of this going to come together for me’, then this presentation is for you.

“Lee will be sharing with us his expertise on how to set the right goals, how to overcome fear when going after a huge goal and how to control your thinking regardless of what’s happening around you. He will propose a proven formula to achieve desired goals, not­withstanding the challenges.”

In July 2014, Roebeck tra­velled to Boston in the US to receive his training at the Harvard of Professional Speaking Schools – The Bill Gove Speech Workshop. Other noteworthy graduates from this prestigious workshop include speakers like Bob Proctor, Mark Victor Hansen and Zig Ziglar. This very specialised training has earned Roebeck the designation of ‘certified corporate speaker’ with the International Association of Corporate Speakers.

He is also a graduate of the Dale Carnegie Course for Effective Communication, where he received the award for highest achievement in his gradua­ting class. Roebeck has spoken on various international platforms, as he is an expert on mindset.

The Malta BNI Business Briefings initiative is a series of free-of-charge online brief meetings organised by Malta BNI, a body which forms part of the global Business Networking International (

Operating on the principle of Givers’ Gain and promoting innovative concepts of business referrals, today BNI has 9,830 chapters with more than 270,000 members. In 2020, notwithstanding the pandemic, through its innovative systems and core values, BNI members generated more than €14 billion in business transactions.

In Malta, BNI fosters stronger collaboration and partnerships between businesses, especially micro and small enterprises, as it creates new commercial opportunities in Malta and beyond, especially in these uncertain times.

Moreover, since last July, Malta BNI has embarked on a series of international joint business meetings with entrepreneurs and businesspersons who are BNI members in Italy, US, South Africa, Cyprus and Finland. Recently, Malta BNI issued a call for a select number of NGOs to benefit from BNI’s Givers Gain philosophy. CORE Platform and JAYE Malta are two NGOs who are already bene­fitting from this initiative.

Malta BNI was established in 2012. Today it has five active chapters, which are currently and regularly meeting via Zoom.

Participants can join the sixth BNI Business Briefing on March 24 at noon via Zoom by registering on: https:// Visitors are welcome. For more information about this event, which is free of charge, e-mail Carmel Bonello at, Viviana Premazzi at or David Bullock at

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