Once again, the month of December approaches and Life Network Foundation is organising its annual march promoting the pro-life and pro-family values that are so crucial in today’s society.

The scourge of COVID-19 had caused this march to be postponed for a number of years and, last year, it took the form of a protest march.

We look forward to this year’s event with even more enthusiasm and commitment. This time round, the event takes on a new significance as well as a novel format.

Besides the annual march for life and talks by pro-life speakers, the event will include stalls, a bouncy castle for children, balloons, face painting, music by Janvil and more – to provide entertainment for everyone.

It is a time to celebrate and with good reason.

The attempt to introduce abortion by stealth, with the spurious excuse of safeguarding expectant mothers facing difficult pregnancies, was stalled and overturned.

This was thanks to the overwhelming public revulsion to this development that, in turn, ignited a massive reaction.

Thankfully, we also owe this positive outcome to those prominent individuals from all walks of life who walked the talk when faced with this prospective legislation of abortion.

The defence of our pro-life culture and traditions took place at the highest levels, with the president of Malta taking a clear and unequivocal stand for life.

This unfolding historical reality underscored the fact that being coherent matters and that the higher our social status and responsible position in society, the more important and relevant is such uncompromising conduct.

No doubt, high profile witnesses helped in no small way to galvanise the people from across all the political and social spectrum to openly follow suit and defend life.

There has been a relentless assault on the core values that underpin the family and human life- Klaus Vella Bardon

That is why this gives us a justification to celebrate this December.

Malta is the only country in the EU were the deliberate killing of the unborn is still illegal. We hail the fact that Malta remains a safe haven for our offspring as it has always been for hundreds of years.

We also celebrate the fact that, thanks to our pro-life legislation and excellent medical services, expectant mothers facing medical difficulties have the best outcomes.

We must still admit, unfortunately, that, over the recent years, both locally and abroad, there has been a gradual and relentless assault on the core values that underpin the family and human life.

We cannot rest on our laurels.

The defence of life and the promoting of a culture that places life at the centre demands constant vigilance from all people of goodwill.

Therefore, we must always do justice to that most fundamental of human rights: the right to life. We must ceaselessly keep on raising awareness that, otherwise, there can be no authentic human flourishing.

Indifference is not an option.

As Einstein once said. “The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil. But because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

We, therefore, invite you to join us in this celebration of life on the afternoon of Sunday, December 3, at 3pm in front of Castille, from where the event will begin.

Klaus Vella Bardon is vice chairperson of Life Network.

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