Roar is the name of a song by Katy Perry. It is about somebody who remained silent for very long only to roar out finally as a sigh of relief.
Recently, Graffitti and other NGOs organised a protest highlighting not only the systematic degeneration of our environment but also calling for an urgent overhaul of our development policies.
The thousands who attended, including myself, roared out loudly – Xebbajtuna! – we have had enough.
May I add, more than enough?
Although the protest was a huge success, sadly, others continue ignoring the sad state of our environment, remain disinterested and/or as the lyrics of the song itself imply are “scared to rock the boat”.
Unfortunately, some opt to be passive citizens.
However, how can one remain nonchalant when steadily witnessing Malta becoming one dusty construction site? How can our youth dream of a better Malta when faced with the everlasting episodes of sleaze and corruption, leading to a moral meltdown of our constitutional institutions?
Never in our democratic journey, not even during dark times, have we witnessed such degeneration. Malta is fast resembling a pigsty, where one pigs out shamelessly.
One of the reasons for this situation is surely because many suffer from the “as long as not in my backyard” syndrome.
During my period as mayor of St Julian’s, I opposed many horrendous projects only for a number of Labour mayors to criticise me for being against progress. Now, these same Labour mayors are crying out loud as they witness their own locality being ruined.
With such a “not in my backyard” mentality the systematic destruction of our island continues unimpeded, abetted by the government.
The stark truth is that the state has been slowly but steadily dismantled. Malta has been usurped. The government is a charade and a puppet. The true power lies behind the throne.
The Labour Party, thanks to Joseph Muscat and co., sold off the party’s soul- Albert Buttigieg
After 25 years in opposition, the Labour Party, thanks to Joseph Muscat and co., sold off the party’s soul. Robert Abela and co. are only the continuation of this devilish pact. Currently, the Labour Party is anything but Labour. Numerous party stalwarts have openly exposed this state of affairs. No electoral victories and/or opinion polls can absolve the Labour from this sorry state.
The Labour Party had promised that the environment would be a top priority once elected. This was nonsense. Once in power, Labour showed its true colours. They were and are still scratching a number of backs to the detriment of the many.
Conveniently, the Labour Party tries to dodge responsibility by shifting the blame on the 2006 rationalisation exercise and coming up with a few so-called ‘green’ initiatives. The Labour Party has had ample time to come up with a solution but instead has continued with its policies that encourage this construction blitz.
Now the government has not only issued a new legal notice to sanction illegalities built on ODZ but also lacks the will to enforce its own enforcement notices. In replying to one of my parliamentary questions about how many enforcement notices have been issued in St Julian’s and Sliema since 2013 and which are still pending, the minister replied that there are currently 41 pending enforcements notices. And some date back 10 years.
“I guess that I forgot I had a choice,” the lyrics continue.
Yes, one can choose to step outside one’s bubble, embrace the ‘we’ culture and stop being sheep.
Standing for nothing often implies falling for everything.
We must seek what unites us rather than what divides us. Allowing ‘divide and rule’ tactics is self-defeating.
Together we are stronger.
We stood silent for too long. It is time to roar.
Albert Buttigieg is a Nationalist MP and party spokesperson for a better standard of living.