Times of Malta, TVM and Lovin Malta lead the list of finalists in this year’s journalism awards, the Institute of Maltese Journalists revealed on Saturday.

The three local news outlets are the media houses with the largest number of finalists in the upcoming ceremony, which will be held on Saturday, November 14. The IĠM did not disclose how many finalists each media house had secured.

President George Vella will host the ceremony, which will be broadcast on the national TV station for the first time. A total of 18 awards will be handed out on the night, including a Gold Award which will be decided by a panel led by president emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.  

The IĠM has overhauled the yearly awards ceremony, revising the way in which nominees are received among other things.

One and Net journalists Kelly Peplow and Keane Cutajar will be hosting a red carpet show ahead of the final ceremony, which will be hosted by Valerie Vella and Colin Fitz.

The award ceremony will kick off at 8pm on Saturday, November 14.


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