This year, many people are eager to go out and satisfy their travelling urges. It might be a local trip or a more international adventure. 

While it is the perfect time for a travelling adventure, it would be wise to slow down and consider a few safety measures, especially for places you've never been to. This article will include the ten best tips to ensure secure and enjoyable summer travels.

Travelling hazards you should expect on every trip

While the governments of most nations do their best to avoid any harm to tourists, news outlets often report on several cases weekly. No matter where you travel, there are always hazards that you or your travelling mates must look out for. Also, there are some more dangerous destinations that you might also skip. Other risks include, but are not limited to:

  • Data or device theft
  • Financial fraud
  • Identity fraud
  • Food poisoning
  • Unfair detention
  • Natural calamities
  • Physical injuries

Tips you can adopt for safer and more enjoyable travels

Numerous news reports often discourage people from visiting their desired destinations. However, you can minimise the risks of travelling by keeping a few things in mind.

Research safety guidelines

Before planning your trip, go online and check for the safety guidelines applicable in the region. These include the necessary health protocols and possible dangers to your health and well-being. The local travel websites and law enforcement agencies usually have this information front and centre.

Inform the authorities of your arrival

It is a must if you’re planning on international travel. It would help to inform a representative at the local embassy, providing your contact details and place of stay. Should any calamities arise, the authorities can notify you in advance and coordinate with local law enforcement to ensure your well-being.

Secure your luggage

When packing your bags, always choose to travel light. Don't stuff your bags with groceries you can conveniently purchase on the route. Make sure to keep them as secure as possible. You can try putting on zip locks or using a cable wire to lock your bags as tight as possible.

Another critical factor to consider is visibility. During your journey, always keep an eye on your luggage. 

Remain culturally appropriate

Before your visit, it pays to research a bit online on how people dress, behave, and might find something offensive. It can help you dive deeper into a place's history and learn about some fascinating traditions. 

Dressing sense is an essential factor that many people overlook. It helps you blend in with the crowd and creates a more friendly atmosphere with the locals. Further, the odd dress sense is how con artists spot tourists who are easy marks.

Keep all necessary documents close

You might never know when you must present your proof of identity to someone. It is best to keep a few key documents handy. Your passport is a must, but you must carry your vaccine certificates and one other ID with a recent photograph. An establishment can deny entry if they think you pose a health risk to their customers.

A convenient method is to store your IDs in a thumb drive digitally. Cloud storage is not advisable since it can be easily compromised.

Be wary of scammers and shady people

Scammers have become more elusive for the outsider’s eye to distinguish from regular citizens. Still, a few techniques can help you determine whether someone can be a scammer or not.

The most considerable alarm bell is of an abruptly friendly and helpful nature. Sure, you can find friendly people worldwide, but a stranger approaching you and asking about your personal details or offering you valuables to look after can have malicious intent. It would be best to remain suspicious of people who provide a range of products at unbelievably discounted prices.

Avoid the cheapest itinerary

Speaking of discounts, the cheapest itinerary is rarely the best option. Flights that land during odd hours of the night might seem like budget savers, but they usually leave you vulnerable during a time when it is hard to get reliable transport.

Stay safe on free public Wi-Fi

Data is now the most valuable resource. Scammers are after your bank logins and app passwords instead of your money. If you're travelling, chances are you are using a public Wi-Fi system, which is the environment hackers can try to compromise.

After all, many free Wi-Fi hotspots do not have the appropriate security measures. One way to safely use any Wi-Fi is to download VPN apps. It encrypts all internet traffic, preventing potential snoopers from capturing information. So, you can connect to any network at an airport or your hotel. 


After a long hiatus of staying at home, including work, an excursion promises to rejuvenate your life. Yet, the long gap would make many travellers, particularly young ones, let their guard down when out and about. Remembering a few tips during your travels can minimize the risk of any incidents and allow you to make the most of the adventure.

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