The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta leads with news that the slowdown in the construction sector has entered its second year, shrinking by 14% in the first three months of 2023 compared to the same period last year.

It separately reports how an estimated 3,000 people are in disarray after new rules requiring cab drivers to hold an EU driver’s licence came into effect without any grace period.

The Malta Independent reports on the feat of a young man - Steve Zammit Lupi -  who cycled his way through the European continent in 41 days.

It also reports on prime minister Robert Abela's pledge that financial incentives will be introduced for police officers to encourage them to stay on past 25 years of service.

In-Nazzjon dedicates all of its front page to results by the European Quality Job Index, which it says show a drop in the quality of local jobs.

L-orizzont leads with news that Clean Malta is upping its efforts to reduce waste on the streets.

It separately refers to comments by Abela who on Sunday told party supporters the PL government was one that implemented its pledges.

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