These are the leading stories making headlines in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta leads with a report from the Jean Paul Sofia public inquiry, where OHSA boss Mark Gauci was grilled over the authority’s oversight of the Corradino construction site that collapsed, killing Sofia.

The newspaper also reports with prominence an ERA decision to request that a St Julian’s water polo pitch project be downscaled before getting the regulatory green light.

The Malta Independent leads with different testimony from the Sofia public inquiry, highlighting Chamber of SMEs CEO Abigail Agius Mamo saying that the construction sector “cannot rely on self-regulation”.

The newspaper also reports film commissioner Johann Grech’s assertion that anyone attacking the cash rebate scheme for the sector is attacking Malta.

L-Orizzont also leads with Grech, highlighting his argument that the higher rebate helped to incentivise work in the film sector.

The newspaper also reports that 3,690 fines and warnings related to improper waste disposal were issued in the first seven months of the year.

In-Nazzjon reports that the police commissioner did not answer questions about whether top Labour Party or government officials were summoned to answer questions about a whistleblower’s allegations of voter fraud.

The newspaper also leads with OHSA boss Mark Gauci telling the Sofia public inquiry that the authority never inspected the Corradino site.


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