The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Sunday.

The Sunday Times of Malta leads with the story of how scores of complaints against medical doctors and dentists risk not being investigated and permanently shelved, as the Medical Council of Malta freezes investigations. Publicly available information shows that the Medical Council is yet to conclude- and in some cases even start- investigations into scores of complaints.  

The newspaper also reports that a man who has been living in Malta for 13 years, paid taxes, social security, and even started his own business, is at risk of being deported.

The Malta Independent on Sunday reports on comments from Għaqda Bdiewa Attivi president Malcolm Borg who said former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s comments before the farmers' protest were “insensitive”. 

It separately publishes Friends of the Earth Malta’s director, Martin Galea De Giovanni’s comments, that the national interest must supersede economic interests.

MaltaToday leads its front with the paper’s survey on the European Parliament election, which shows that Labour starts the EP election race 15,000 votes ahead of the Nationalist Party. 

Illum’s main story also reports MaltaToday’s European Parliament election survey, leading that faith in the Labour Party and Prime Minister Robert Abela has decreased since December. It claims that faith in the Nationalist Party leader, Bernard Grech has also plummeted. 

Il-Mument reports that Prime Minister Robert Abela defends Marsascala’s deputy mayor, Janice Falzon, who the paper claims, is being investigated for drug abuse. 

KullĦadd leads its front with an article about how Maltese families have a higher chance of becoming homeowners due to government schemes. 

It-Torċa refers to Prime Minister Robert Abela's visit to the Malta Stock Exchange, quoting him that “investment is going strong”.

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