The following are the top stories in Malta’s newspapers on Friday.
Times of Malta leads with the Nationalist Party’s call for a protest outside parliament next week over “the government’s failure” after Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri’s decision to remain in his post as a fifth person is charged in the drugs heist from the AFM barracks in Safi.
The newspaper also reports that takeaway orders are declining as fine dining is becoming more popular according to a survey of Malta’s catering sector.
In-Nazzjon also leads with the protest being organised on March 9 in Valletta highlighting the government had “failed”.
The newspaper also reports there is enough evidence for Konrad Mizzi, Keith Schembri, Yorgen Fenech and others to face trail in the Electrogas case.
The Malta Independent leads with the same news that there is enough prima facie evidence for the 17 Black money laundering trial to go ahead.
The newspaper also reports that a fifth man liked to the AFM drug heist has been charged.
L-Orizzont leads with the story that fine dining restaurants invested most in their business despite the challenges they are facing.