The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta leads with news that construction has been hit by “profit declines” due to rising material and compliance costs, amid a negative sentiment about future business conditions.

The newspaper also reports that Malta has the highest average price for arable land in the EU, costing 24 times more than the bloc’s average, according to Eurostat.

The Malta Independent meanwhile gave prominence to political party events on Sunday. 

It reported that while Robert Abela continued his defence of the controversial magisterial inquiry reform, Bernard Grech said over this past week, the government showed it was focused on just one thing: itself.

In-Nazzjon also refers to Grech's comments on Sunday. The PN leader told party supporters that a Nationalist government would ensure higher employment in Gozo, better infrastructure and improved tourism on the island.

Apart from reporting on Abela's address to party supporters on Sunday, L-orizzont separately marks the 30th anniversary of the El Faroud tragedy. 

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