Talk of improving Malta’s electricity distribution network dominates the front pages of local newspapers this Saturday, following two weeks of power cuts.

Times of Malta leads with a government pledge to double its annual investment to improve the national grid. Abela promised social partners during an MCESD meeting that expenditure would rise to €30 million a year.

The newspaper also gives prominence to a decision by relatives of the late Sion Grech to sue the state for delays in Grech’s murder investigation. Two men accused of murdering her were acquitted earlier this year, 18 years after the crime.

The Malta Independent also leads with the prime minister’s promise to speed up investment in power distribution.

It dedicates a second story on its front page to the Opposition’s proposals to improve the national network, primarily its call to liberalise energy distribution and open it up to the private sector.

L-Orizzont leads with the promise to double spending on electricity distribution and also notes that the government will be setting up a new state authority, to focus on climate change.

The newspaper also gives prominence to a domestic violence case in which the man was handed a suspended prison sentence. A court heard how he kicked his partner in the head.

In-Nazzjon dedicates its front page to the PN’s energy distribution proposals, writing that the party has nine different ideas for how to improve the situation.

It also reports that Enemalta has yet to repair 25 per cent of cable faults reported in the past days.

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