The following are the main stories in Wednesday’s newspapers.

Times of Malta leads with a report confirming that former minister Konrad Mizzi was behind the Montenegro wind farm project.

In another story, the newspaper says that a wetter-than-usual spring has caused crops like tomatoes, onions and grapes to spoil because of an explosion of mould.

The Malta Independent quotes the Daphne Foundation saying that a Montenegro wind farm audit found that Enemalta knew that it was paying an inflated price.

Malta Today leads with testimony in court by former police commissioner John Rizzo who says that murder victim Albert Brian Rosso had been threatened by some Sicilians.

L-Orizzont says that the number of people at risk of poverty has gone down.

In-Nazzjon says that former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has been summoned to appear in front of the Public Accounts Committee.

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