Today's front pages – March 18, 2024

The top stories in Malta's newspapers

March 18, 2024| Times of Malta |01 min read
Times of Malta file photoTimes of Malta file photo

The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta leads with news that football’s governing body in Malta is facing “significant doubts” over its ability to meet its financial obligations, as its accumulated deficit hits €5.6 million. 

It separately reports that YMCA is seeing a record number of people sleeping on the streets. The NGO’s CEO has meanwhile told Times of Malta that there has been an overwhelming reaction from the public in support of a woman who has been struggling with rooflessness for two years.

The Malta Independent leads with news that the Environment and Resources Authority has not objected to a planning application that could pave the way for apartment blocks on undeveloped land in Msida.

The Independent, as well as L-orizzont, refer to comments by PL leader Robert Abela who on Sunday spoke of the need to introduce reforms in the family court. 

In-Nazzjon meanwhile refers to comments by Opposition leader Bernard Grech who told party supporters that the Gozitans remained a priority for the PN.

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