The following are the top stories in Malta’s newspapers on Tuesday. 

Times of Malta leads with how the Nationalist Party’s walk-out of parliament on Monday afternoon as the government moved a motion to censure Nationalist MP Karol Aquilina for his behaviour during an exchange with the Speaker last week. 

It also reports how four soldiers, including a major, who were on duty during last month’s drug heist from an AFM barracks, refused to testify in court. 

The Malta Independent and In-Nazzjon also report the Nationalist Party walk-out, and how Opposition leader Bernard Grech denounced the motion as a politically motivated attack. 

The Malta Independent separately reports how over 15 resident groups and organisations are calling on Tourism Minister Ian Borg to stop the “rampant abuse of open public spaces by commercial establishments”.

L-orizzont meanwhile reports how the Labour Party parliamentary supports the House Speaker Anglu Farrugia and against the PN’s vicious attack on the Speaker. 


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