The following are the top stories in Malta’s newspapers on Tuesday. 

Times of Malta leads with an article on how Kurt Grech and his father, Joseph, were found guilty in a trial by jury of the murder of Brandon Pace in 2017. Kurt 31, known as in-Nemes, and Joseph, 61, both from Pieta, were found guilty by six votes to three. 

The newspaper also reported how Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of not being serious about peace after warning that tough security guarantees were the only way to end more than three years of conflict in Ukraine. 

The Malta Independent leads with comments by the Gozo Tourism Authority CEO, who said the sister island saw a strong turnout for Carnival weekend, with this year’s festivities appearing to surpass previous attendance records. 

The Independent also published how a driver rammed a car into a crowd in the southwestern German city of Mannheim, leaving two people killed and 11 other injured.

In-Nazzjoni published how discussions between MCAST and the Education Minister are still ongoing. 

The newspaper also reported how there were at least four suicide attempts in prison in the past 11 months. 

L-orizzont also leads with how Kurt Grech and his father were found guilty in a trial by jury of the murder of Brandon Pace. 



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