The following are the main stories in Sunday's newspapers.

The Sunday Times of Malta publishes an exposé of the inquiry into the deal to privatise the three state hospitals. When investigators combed through the details of the deal, they found signs of crime wherever they looked.

The newspaper also reports that two fugitives found in Libya this week were hiding out in a large villa in a mountainous town, after narrowly evading capture in Italy.

The Malta Independent on Sunday meanwhile leads with comments by PN MP and former party leader Adrian Delia's comments that Robert Abela's statements about the Vitals' inquiry verged on the despotic.

The newspaper also reports that the government is offering a one-time €3,000 payment to AFM personnel over past injustices.

Malta Today and Illum lead with news about the inquiry findings, which the former published online on Sunday.

They separately report that the PL has widened its lead among voters ahead of the election on June 8.

It-Torċa reports on a separate survey whose results show a 10.7% gap between the two parties.

The newspaper also reports on the positive impact of the Stabbilta' scheme.

Kullħadd meanwhile refers to Moody’s latest report, which on Saturday noted that Malta’s trend of strong economic growth, coupled with a strong domestic funding base and “moderate” debt burden were fuelling a reasonably diversified economy with a “sound” institutional framework.

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