The following are the stories that have made it to the front pages of Malta's newspapers.

Times of Malta reports that the Planning Authority has approved a controversial application for the building of a 109-unit apartment block in Mellieħa. It also says Mcast students are getting angrier as lecturers persist in industrial action.

The Malta Independent gives prominence to the arraignment on Wednesday of a 26-year-old plumber, accused of selling fake branded items and money laundering. It also reports how Swieqi council is objecting to 'disgraceful' plans for the building of a nursing home outside the development zone.

In-Nazzjon says the political assembly of the European Popular Party meets today at PN headquarters, 

l-orizzont quotes minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi saying that 60% of the Budget measures were based on electoral manifesto promises. It also gives prominence to the issue of new, lighter uniforms for Civil Protection Department firefighters.

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