The following are the main stories in Sunday’s newspapers.

The Sunday Times of Malta leads with an own survey which shows that the Labour Party’s lead has shrunk with the Nationalist Party gaining ground.

In another story, the newspaper says the Budget will remove the current tax incentives on Gozo properties.

The Malta Independent on Sunday speaks to former Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi, who says that the Labour government’s admission of the need for a new economic model is the biggest certificate of failure. 

MaltaToday says Labour MPs fear a grassroots backlash if the hospitals’ deal inquiry points a finger at former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.

Illum says that as the hospitals’ deal inquiry is being concluded, the government is expecting another headache.

It-Torċa speaks to taxi drivers who say that a lot of improvement has been registered on Malta’s roads. 

Il-Mument says that Robert Abela does not want to open a hospitals’ deal case because he is complicit.

Kullħadd leads with a feature on the increased minimum wage agreement reached with the social partners.

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