The following are the stories that have made it to the front pages of Malta's Sunday newspapers.

The Sunday Times of Malta interviews the outgoing CEO of the health and safety authority, who says politicians kept the authority small not to stifle the economy. The newspaper also reports the harrowing way how Maltese migrants to Australia were treated before the second world war. They were described as being 'animal-like parasites'. 

MaltaToday says wages will rise by €13 a week as inflation worries persist. The Budget will be presented at the end of next month. It also reports that four police officers will be charged over the odometer tampering scandal.

The Malta Independent says its survey of voting intentions puts the PN marginally ahead of Labour at 35.3% to 34.9%, but trust ratings show Robert Abela ahead of Bernard Grech at 36% to 27.1%.

Il-Mument says Social Policy Minister Michael Falzon is refusing to shoulder political responsibility for the benefit fraud scandal.

It-Torċa says 85% of consumers blame businesses for inflation. 

KullĦadd says the past week was one of contrasts, with a strong speech by the prime minister at the United Nations, and a disastrous one by the leader of the opposition on the granaries. 

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