All national newspapers on Friday lead with a curtain raiser about the MED9 summit being held in Malta on Friday, which includes the participation of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and French President Emmanuel Macron.
During the summit, the heads of state or government of the southern EU states hope to find a common position on migration.
In other stories, Times of Malta storifies an opinion piece by former Labour minister Evarist Bartolo in which he calls on the Labour Party to resurrect itself in the wake of the benefit fraud scandal and set up something similar to the Board of Vigilance and Discipline it formed in the late 1980s.
The Malta Independent says that a man was fined €10,000 for a meme that mocked Down’s Syndrome.
L-Orizzont reports about a bilateral meeting held on Thursday between the Prime Ministers of Malta and Croatia.
In-Nazzjon says the government will be inaugurating an incomplete project at the Nadur school.