The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Wednesday.

Times of Malta leads with the Health Ministry's decision to seek mediation in an industrial dispute with nurses which has seen surgeries delayed. It also reports that Air Malta has blamed a fault in an aircraft and the impossibility of finding a replacement aircraft over the Easter weekend as the cause of long delays on some routes. 

In-Nazzjon also reports about the nurses industrial dispute, quoting a PN statement saying the government should not be stingy with nurses but should find the money they deserve. It also reports a PN call for a government explanation as to why Malta did not rescue migrants who were drifting in a boat in Malta's SAR.

The Malta Independent, meanwhile, quotes the Armed Forces of Malta saying no rescue was requested by the migrants drifting on a fishing boat in Malta's Search and Rescue Region.  The newspaper also quotes a survey which found that rising property prices mean people are opting for cheaper locations. 

L-orizzont leads with an interview with the new head of Missio Malta, who speaks on how the hardship which he saw around him led him to his current position. It also says there was a sharp increase in passengers crossing to Gozo over the Easter weekend, compared to the previous Easter weekend. 

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