The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.
Times of Malta leads with comments by the APS Bank CEO and current chair of the Malta Bankers’ Association, Marcel Cassar, who said that local banks are not seeing a demand for properties in high-rise buildings despite the many developments popping up around the island.
Separately, the newspaper reports that a woman has been unable to use her car for six months after a major building contractor placed a large block of concrete at the entrance to her rented garage because of a financial dispute with her landlord.
The Malta Independent leads with comments by prime minister Robert Abela, who on Sunday hinted at plans for land reclamation. It also publishes comments by PN leader Bernard Grech who, also on Sunday, said the labour government was no longer looking after the interests of the working class.
In-Nazzjon publishes comments by Grech who at the same party event pledged continuous "service to people".
Separately, the newspaper reports that former prime minister Alfred Sant on Sunday offered the PL’s general conference stark warnings on corruption.
L-orizzont meanwhile quotes Abela saying that workers were at the centre of the PL's decisions and the government will be reaching an agreement over its pay dispute with midwives and nurses.
The newspaper also reports that 65 women are expecting a child following an IVF procedure.