These are the leading articles in today’s local newspapers.

Times of Malta reports that loopholes in Malta’s corporate tax scheme are to be slammed shut as part of the country’s effort to get off the FATF grey list.

The newspaper also reports that a survey indicates that support for the Malta-Gozo tunnel is split.

The Malta Independent leads with news that this year’s Budget speech will be held on October 11. In a secondary story, the newspaper writes that the president of the Gozo Regional Council wants the PA to move faster to protect against excessive development.

L-Orizzont also leads with news about the Budget speech date, quoting the prime minister as promising a budget “that will clearly signal the renewed prosperity we want to build.”

The newspaper also notes that the number of migrants to have died at sea has doubled from 2020 levels.

In-Nazzjon leads with PN leader Bernard Grech pledging to work to be the change “the country needs.”


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