These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Monday. 

Times of Malta leads with a story about PN leader Adrian Delia’s strong message at Sunday’s political event where he warned people to toe the party line or leave. In another story, it says that Pope Francis is expected to visit Malta in May. 

The Malta Independent and In-Nazzjon also lead with Dr Delia’s political message on Sunday. 

In other stories, The Malta Independent has a story about how Malta had the highest pension gap in the EU in 2018. In-Nazzjon reports on the tragic death of a fisherman in Imtahleb on Sunday morning. 

L-Orizzont leads with a story quoting Prime Minister Robert Abela as saying that domestic violence could not claim more lives before something radical is done about it.  

The newspaper also reports that the latest murder victim Chantelle Chetcuti for some reason dropped court proceedings against the man who is now accused of stabbing her at least five times. 

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