The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers.

Times of Malta reports that Malta Enterprise is reviewing more than 1,500 grants of the COVID-19 wage supplement for potential abuse. It also reports that Vince Muscat, who is serving a 15-year jail term for his part in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, has had seven months added to his sentence after a prison fight. 

The Malta Independent says works on a carnival village will start once Malta receives funding from the European Union. It also says that a new book on media reform has proposed ways to strengthen journalism and changes to the structure of public broadcasting.

L-orizzont gives prominence to Monday's announcement that 2,3 million tourists visited Malta last year.  It also reports that according to an EU survey, Malta's economic growth will remain among the strongest in the EU this year. 

In-Nazzjon leads with a speech by Bernard Grech in parliament during which he accused the prime minister of wanting to appoint a standards commissioner who acted as the government wished.  It also reports the return to Malta of a team of rescuers from the Turkey earthquake zone. 

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