The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Friday.

Times of Malta leads with the findings of an inquiry tasked with establishing whether the state failed femicide victim Bernice Cassar. According to the inquiry, the state 'system' failed the mother-of-two, particularly because of a lack of resources and a heavy caseload.

Separately, the newspaper reminds readers that a judge is on Friday set to decide the fate of three hospitals handed over to foreign investors as part of a much-criticised 2015 deal.

The Malta Independent similarly leads with a curtain raiser about the hospitals deal, while it separately refers to a statement by Henley and Partners that Malta offers one of the most sought-after investment migration options for US citizens.

In-Nazzjon also leads with the Cassar inquiry conclusions. Additionally, on its front page, the newspaper refers to comments by PN leader Bernard Grech who in parliament said there could be no social justice if human beings were not allowed to be born.

L-orizzont meanwhile leads with comments by prime minister Robert Abela on Malta's support to Ukrainian people during the Russian invasion of their home country.

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