These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta leads with news of revised fines and penalty points for driving contraventions, noting that being caught with a phone while driving will cost motorists €200.

The newspaper also gives prominence to the story of Alfie Rizzo’s two daughters, who are carrying on his salon legacy, 25 years after his murder shocked the country.

The Malta Independent also leads with news of the revised traffic contravention penalties. The newspaper also cites President George Vella as noting that 50 per cent of local cancer patients are nowadays living for more than 10 years after their initial diagnosis.

L-Orizzont gives prominence to the traffic contravention revision, also highlighting the doubled fine for using a mobile phone, and also gives prominence to a government pitch to reclaim some land in Tigne to create a seasonal pier by the Fortina hotel. The project, it says, will entail €173m of investment.

In-Nazzjon leads with a photo of a hospital canteen-turned-ward, writing about ‘the state they have brought Mater Dei into’. The newspaper also gives prominence to the launch of a new NGO, Light, by Anne Marie Grech. The NGO will focus on helping couples with fertility issues.

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