The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.
Times of Malta reports that the Ministry for the Elderly has sued the nurses' union over industrial directives, now withdrawn, which it wants to be declared abusive. The newspaper also reports that the mayor of Sta Venera is to be charged over drink-driving allegations.
The Malta Independent quotes the tourism minister reiterating that the government does not intend to cap the number of hotels.
L-orizzont focuses on Robert Abela's Sunday speech, saying the government is setting course to take the country forward. It also reports that Qala Council is concerned about the proposed siting of the North aquaculture zone.
In-Nazzjon gives prominence to a call by PN leader Bernard Grech for the people to speak up against abortion, stressing that this is not a political issue. The newspaper also says European Parliament reforms proposed by Roberta Metsola have been well received.