These are the stories which made it to the front pages of Thursday's newspapers:
The plight of the migrants evicted from the 'horse hotel' in Marsa on Wednesday dominates the front page of Times of Malta, saying that most will probably be deported. The newspaper also reports on the seriously ill woman who claims she had bought the winning Quaterno ticket.
The raid on the Marsa stables also makes it to the front page of L-Orizzont, which also highlights that the decision on the Central Link project was due on Thursday.
In-Nazzjon, on the other hand, focuses on the approval of the Fortina Hotel's change of use, saying that the wealthy were benefiting while citizens were being robbed.
The Malta Independent also leads with the Marsa raid. It also carries a story saying that the pilots' association, which has been at loggerheads with Air Malta, is willing to resume talks with the airline.