These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Monday.
Times of Malta reports that residents living close to two currently disused fireworks factories near Għargħur are putting up a legal fight to stop a licence renewal that they say will put their lives in danger.
The newspaper also reports that a surge in cases has led to Malta being classified as a ‘red’ zone according to the ECDC’s weekly travel maps.
The Malta Independent writes that the Planning Authority will decide on three different apartment block applications on Thursday – one in Naxxar and two in St Paul’s Bay.
L-Orizzont gives prominence to the case of a kitchen hand at a home for the elderly who was first told not to report for work as she was classified as vulnerable to COVID-19, and later told that her job had been terminated three months prior.
In-Nazzjon leads with a speech by Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech, in which he said that the PN was working to be the country’s path to change.