These are the leading articles in local newspapers this Saturday.
Times of Malta leads with news from the Financial Action Task Force, which on Friday provided an outline of the action plan that the Maltese government must comply with in order to be taken off the FATF grey list.
The newspaper also reports that thousands of Brits are gearing up to holiday in Malta in July and August, with bookings streaming in following a UK decision to add Malta to its green list.
The Malta Independent writes that visiting Brits will still need to quarantine in Malta for the time being, as Malta is currently only recognising locally-issued vaccine certificates as valid.
The newspaper also gives prominence to the FATF press conference, noting how the organisation highlighted “serious weaknesses” that Malta must address.
L-Orizzont focuses on tourism and the relaxation of COVID-19 measures, writing that tourism numbers are expected to reach 60 per cent of 2019 levels by December of this year and that opening times for bars and restaurants will as of next week extend to 2am.
In-Nazzjon dedicates its entire front page to the FATF greylisting, writing about the FATF press conference with additional articles reporting that ministers are “unwilling to assume responsibility” for the greylisting decision and the Chamber of SMEs saying small business owners do not deserve to be operating in a greylisted country.