The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta leads with news that the Lands Authority’s chief audit officer has slammed transparency and good governance failures which saw her shut out of
board meetings and documents being withheld from her.

In a separate piece, the newspaper also reports that the proportion of Maltese 25-34 year-olds with a tertiary level of education has jumped from 26 per cent to 40 per cent in the last 10 years - one of the biggest rises in the EU.

The Malta Independent meanwhile notes that Malta has the highest percentage of early school leavers in the EU, while the newspaper also publishes a reminder about further relaxation of COVID measures today. 

l-orizzont quotes Prime Minister Robert Abela claiming Malta will strive for a certificate of excellence, following the FATF's greylisting of the country. 

In-Nazzjon refers to comments by Opposition leader Bernard Grech who on Sunday also reacted to the greylisting, saying he would be listening to all stakeholders to be able to take the necessary decisions for the good of the country.

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