The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta reports that a medical supplier featuring in a corruption and money-laundering probe linked to the Vitals hospitals deal has turned his guns on his former partners. It also reports that a court has ruled that the government broke procurement rules when it used the pandemic to hand out a multimillion-euro cleaning contract.

The Malta Independent quotes the president of the Association of Catering Establishments as saying the government needs to reduce red tape for the employment of foreigners in the sector.

L-Orizzont leads with a tribute to former union general secretary Tony Zarb by his son Elton. Zarb's funeral is due to be held on Saturday. The newspaper also reports how two dealers have been suspended by an association grouping car dealers, for alleged tampering of car mileage gauges. 

In-Nazzjon quotes Bernard Grech saying he is determined to translate the confidence shown in him by party councilors into more work for the PN.

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