The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Tuesday.
Times of Malta reports that Malta needs to quickly increase its sources of renewable energy to prevent price rises amid the likelihood that the EU will force the country to end blanket subsidies on energy consumption next year.
The newspaper also reports comments by the prime minister that nobody is bigger than the party and MPs must accept responsibility for their actions. He was speaking in reply to questions about Labour MP Rosianne Ctajar, who is in the eye of a storm after the revelation of Whatsapp messages she exchanged with Yorgan Fenech.
The Malta Independent leads with a warning by the nurses' union that it may scale up industrial action over a pay dispute. It also reports on calls made on Monday for charges to be dropped against three young men accused of having commandeered a ship and forced it to come to Malta.
L-orizzont says the man accused of having killed a pedestrian and rammed his car into a KFC outlet last January, insulted nurses as he was being taken to hospital. It also claims that there will be an emphasis on competence when applications for the granting of licences to contractors are considered.
In-Nazzjon also leads with the press conference by the MUMN nurses union, who said the real victims of the Vitals'-Steward deal were patients and nurses. It also reports that the NGO Repubblika has asked the Standards Commissioner to investigate Minister Silvio Schembri and Labour MP Rosianne Cutajar.