These are the leading articles in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta reports that Gozitan developer Joseph Portelli has managed to obtain planning permission for yet another controversial development in Gozo – this time to build a block of flats in Sannat’s UCA.

The newspaper also cites an international report which highlights Malta’s electoral system as a major stumbling block to successfully introducing good governance reform in the country.

The Malta Independent writes that national support hotline 179 received over 9,000 calls in 2018.

In-Nazzjon leads with PN outrage at a decision to allow a countryside room in Qala to be turned into a sprawling villa – a decision which the newspaper notes also angered Labour exponents such as Cyrus Engerer.

L-Orizzont writes that rain showers left some roads submerged on Friday. The newspaper also reports on plans to reform prostitution laws, highlighting calls not to criminalise women who are the victims of exploitation.

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