The following are the top stories in some of Malta's newspapers on Wednesday.

Times of Malta leads with the tragic news that a 22-year-old footballer died of a suspected heart attack as first-aiders desperately tried to find a defibrillator. It also reports that a court dismissed another attempt by the Degiorgio brothers to delay their trial. They stand accused of setting off the bomb that killed Daphne Caruana Galizia. 

MaltaToday says a senior police officer is to testify about an alleged order by the attorney general not to prosecute top officials of Pilatus Bank.

The Malta Independent reports that a police investigation has been launched after a fisherman allegedly assaulted an official at the Fisheries Department. It also says that the prime minister has defended the government's media reform, saying the Institute of Journalists was continuously consulted. 

In-Nazzjon reports that the PN has launched a public consultation on media reform and the protection of journalists after the government rejected calls to hold the exercise itself. It also reports how PN leader Bernard Grech called for more government spending on education.

On the same theme, l-orizzont quotes the prime minister saying the government is entering an exciting phase of talks with educators aimed at improving their conditions.

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