These are the leading stories in local newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta leads with news that the election manifesto, setting up new fora to reach out to the economic sector, attracting new blood and reconciling the party are among the priorities that have been outlined by newly-elected Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech.

In a secondary story, the newspaper reports on how the number of approved new dwellings in Gozo increased sixfold over five years, according to Planning Authority data.

The Malta Independent reports that following the PN leadership election, Robert Arrigo said he will stay on as deputy leader and has pledged his loyalty towards the party and the new leader.

The newspaper also gives prominence to the 66 new COVID-19 cases detected between Saturday and Sunday. 

L-Orizzont leads with comments by Prime Minister Robert Abela that the 2021 budget will reflect the government's social spirit and improve people's quality of life.

In a separate report, the newspaper refers to a court sitting in which an English couple recognised the man who mugged them in Ta' Xbiex.

In-Nazzjon also leads with comments by Grech following his election as party leader. The PN chief said he will strive towards strengthening unity within the party and renewing the PN.

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