The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Wednesday.

Times of Malta and Malta Today report that the government is under pressure following a decision to go for a SOFA forces agreement with the USA, giving special status to American servicemen in Malta. 

Times of Malta also reports that the controversial plans for an extension of the facilities of the American University of Malta were discussed by the developers in Castille in 2018. 

The Malta Independent leads with a Foreign Ministry statement that Malta is 'no closer' to signing a SOFA agreement than it has been for years. 

In-Nazzjon quotes the Nationalist Party calling on government transparency on any proposed SOFA deal. It also features a large picture of the debate held yesterday between Adrian Delia and Bernard Grech ahead of the PN leadership election. 

L-Orizzont gives prominence to the death of two workers in separate accidents on Tuesday. It also says that according to a survey, almost half of employees are regularly contacted on work-related matters after hours. 

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