It is sad to hear that another animal circus is visiting Malta this month. But the good news is that it has already faced serious opposition.

The UK charity Captive Animals' Protection Society (CAPS) fully supports the Circus Animal Rights Coalition and its campaigns to discourage people from visiting animal shows. And it is great to hear that the state schools are concerned about the welfare of animals in circuses too. A travelling circus, by its very nature, is incapable of meeting the needs of animals.

This view is backed by animal behaviourists and other scientists such as those from Bristol University here in the UK who this year published a study that found "neither natural environment nor much natural behaviour can be recreated" in a circus.

We don't have the right, or the need, to make animals perform just for our entertainment. Around the world, more people visit only all-human circuses, and countries are increasingly prohibiting animal circuses in recognition of the cruelty involved.

Please support those organisations opposing animal circuses and help achieve an end to this cruelty once and for all.

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