Sometimes, a surfeit of riches presents itself, and you wonder how to fit everything together. On occasion, you manage it, on others, you take the easy way out and just bash out some unrelated bits, not even pretending to try to link them coherently.

This is one of the latter occasions.

How can the LGBT Community allow itself to be used so blatantly by Muscat’s party?

Only a day ago, I was sent a clip carrying Super One’s reportage of An Event (capital used deliberately, one has to be breathless) commemorating some anniversary or other of when, according to the re-writers of history, homosexuality was decriminalised. Neither of the two “personalities” interviewed, Kenneth Zammit Tabona and Ray Calleja, seemed to be phased by the blatant lie that was being put about. Homosexuality had not been decriminalised, because it was never criminalised in the first place. Sodomy, even between consenting adults (though the extent to which it could be prosecuted is debatable, if your predilections take you that way) was a criminal activity, but homosexuality in and of itself was not criminal.

The whole thing, quite clearly, was just another grab for a few votes by Muscat’s party, trying to embrace “minorities”, oblivious, as the “personalities” themselves seemed to be, to the fact that rather than embracing, they were ghettoising.

And an even more delicious irony was contained, quite unconsciously, in the way Zammit Tabona’s manner of speaking, Anglicised as it is (and for this, he has my undying regard, of course) was carried on Super One. You can imagine the teeth being gritted in the control-room when his dulcet tones floated out.

Our intrepid sportsmen, the hunting fraternity have been reported to have formed the view that foreigners should not be allowed to roam unfettered around Malta’s countryside. I am almost, but not quite, speechless. Who do these arrogant twerps think they are? Seriously, are these people mad? The countryside belongs to everyone – in fact, if anything, it is gun-toting Neanderthals who should be told where to get off, and impolitely.

Now, no doubt, the more literate portion of the hunting fraternity will draw itself up to its impressive height and throw all manner of insult at me. You impress me not at all, chaps, because by your actions, now and for years gone by, you classify yourselves.

Do you want a taste of what Muscat’s supporters really think of his inclusivity and tolerance for all views and opinions? Check out responses to Lou Bondi’s statuses on Facebook, which I have seen at first hand when I have been impetuous enough to stick my oar in.

If you can get beyond the lousy spelling, awful syntax and downright peculiar grammar, you will be able to detect an undertone of viciousness and a liberal dose of ad hominem argumentation that is seriously disturbing. These people brook no opposition, they are on a tremendous high because they are going to win the election, yah boo and sucks to you. The latest is the perfectly innocent question that Bondi put up about that trailer for a short film about Alfred Sant that was going the rounds. The amount of screeching and hollering that went on because the Lil’Elves, Peculiar Pundits and Bewildered Citizenry thought that Sant was being got at was wondrous to behold.


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