Husband-and-wife artist duo Joseph and Tessie Borg are displaying their latest works at Gemelli Art Gallery, Ta’ Qali. 

The couple constantly debate whether art is a discipline or an expression of their inner thoughts, feelings and frustrations. Their attitudes and approaches to art are, in fact, contrasting. 

Joseph’s work is based on discipline and adherence to rules, aiming for technical correctness. In this exhibition, he focuses on preserving his childhood memories, filled with chores and playfulness. His paintings exude nostalgia and romanticism, offering a sentimental journey through his past.

In contrast, Tessie prefers to paint her innermost thoughts and feelings, her frustrations and her perceptions of reality. Symbolism, spirituality and spontaneity are the key elements of her work. For her, art represents total freedom, allowing for uninhibited expression and creative exploration. 

Despite their contrasting approaches, the duo find harmony in their differences. Harmony, for them, means respecting their unique personalities and styles, encouraging each other and exploring the themes behind their paintings. 

Harmony in Contrast, curated by Martina Caruana, opens tomorrow and runs until March 22. Opening hours are Mondays to Fridays from 7am till 2.30pm and Saturdays 9am till noon.

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