Two youths accused of a string of thefts, committed four years ago when one was a first time offender and the other still a minor, have been jailed for a total of 48 months.

Aidan Bartolo, 23, and Clyde Mallia, 21, were accused of having committed a series of thefts over a 12-day span back in January 2016, with the prosecution subsequently withdrawing the charges in relation to three of the crimes.

Their targets were mostly bars and kiosks, from which they stole cigarettes and cash. 

The duo were also charged with causing voluntary damage to third party property, while Mallia was separately charged with breaching bail conditions.

At a later stage in the proceedings, both men pleaded guilty.

Magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech noted that when the offences were committed Bartolo had been a first-time offender while Mallia had been a minor. But neither of them had offered to reimburse the victims for the damage and losses caused.

Moreover, a probation officer’s testimony proved that Bartolo, currently serving another jail term, was untrustworthy.

In the light of all this, the court condemned Bartolo to a 28-month effective jail term and Mallia to a term of 20 months, less the time spent under preventive custody.

The court further ordered the confiscation of Mallia’s bail bond of €2,500.

Inspectors James Grech and Daryl Borg prosecuted.

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