Two young men, suspected of being the culprits behind a cash robbery from a Sliema residence back in September, were today remanded in custody after denying their involvement in the crime. 

Andre Bugeja, 19, and Massimo Fasanelli, 18, both of Sliema and both about to take up employment as security officers, were arraigned today over the aggravated theft.

Mr Bugeja alone was charged with breaching an earlier bail decree, while Mr Fasanelli alone was charged with being a relapser.

The prosecution explained how in the night between September 8 and 9, between €950 and €1,500 in cash were reported stolen from a private residence in Sliema.

CCTV footage retrieved from the area revealed two persons loitering in the vicinity of the residence, walking up and down the street, switching their torches on and off as though to check them and returning later wearing a different set of clothes.

A warrant of arrest was issued against the two suspects which led to their arraignment today, the prosecution explained, pointing out that Mr Fasanelli had failed to turn up yesterday for a hearing in separate proceedings and was arrested later in the day.

Defence lawyer Leontine Calleja requested bail for both the accused arguing that given their young age and the fact that the two were due to take up a new job soon, sending them to jail would not help them to follow the right path.

Moreover, both lived with their families and had a fixed address, which meant that the possibility of absconding was minimal. 

However, the prosecution rebutted that Mr Bugeja had already “violated the Court’s trust” by breaching bail conditions. The other co-accused had a colourful criminal record and had already been placed under probation, a supervision order and had been handed a suspended sentence.

An officer from the Probation and Parole Department testified that Mr Fasanelli had a drug problem and was failing to keep appointments with the officer tasked to supervise him. Nor did he show any motivation to work, the officer added.

In view of the nature of the offence and the fact that the accused knew their alleged victims who were still to testify, the court, presided over by Magistrate Gabriella Vella, turned down the request for bail.

In the case of Mr Fasanelli the court also observed that the young man presented a lack of trustworthiness which further warranted the rejection of the bail request.

The court placed both youths under a supervision order.

Inspector Mark Mercieca prosecuted. Lawyer Leontine Calleja was legal aid counsel.


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