The artist Maria Cassar is exhibiting her latest series of abstract paintings. Cassar chose the title Un leashed as her works continue to reflect her inner unbridled emotions. The artist unleashes her imagination and, through various media and colour, she expresses intangible emotions onto the canvas.

The central role is taken up by the dynamics involved in the act of painting. Cassar goes a step further by emphasising the palpable overlays of paint that are achieved through substantial additions of other materials.

Another of the exhibits.Another of the exhibits.

The traditional setting of representational arrangement fades away as all elements interact together as though energised by an intricate web of forces.

Un leashed runs until November 10 at art..e Gallery, 1, Library Street, Victoria, Gozo. It is open daily between 9.30am and 12.15pm. Log on to the venue’s Facebook page for more information.

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