In today’s fast-changing world, the ability to think critically, adapt to change, and foster innovation is more crucial than ever. The National Skills Council’s 'Dream, Learn, Succeed' campaign highlights 10 transversal skills essential for navigating the complexities of the modern workplace and personal development. These skills - adaptability, resilience, innovation, analytical thinking, curiosity, empathy, critical thinking, decision making, creativity, and communication - are key components of what we refer to as "the science of thought."

The National Skills Council’s 'Dream, Learn, Succeed' campaign highlights 10 transversal skills.

The science of thought involves complex interactions of these transversal skills, which shapes our thinking and decision making.

Adaptability: thriving in a changing world

Adaptability is the skill that allows individuals to adjust to new circumstances quickly and effectively. In a world where industries, technologies, and social dynamics are constantly shifting, adaptability is essential for staying relevant. It’s not just about responding to change but embracing it as an opportunity for growth. Whether transitioning to a new job role or adjusting to new technologies, adaptability is the cornerstone of continuous learning and development.

Resilience: bouncing back from adversity

Resilience is the ability to recover from setbacks and continue moving forward. In both professional and personal contexts, challenges and failures are inevitable. Resilience enables individuals to face these challenges with determination, turning obstacles into opportunities. This mental toughness, central to the science of thought, allows for sustained motivation, even in the face of difficulties. As industries become more competitive and fast-paced, resilience is more important than ever for maintaining progress and personal well-being.

Innovation: driving change through creativity

Innovation is the practical application of creativity. While creativity sparks new ideas, innovation takes those ideas and turns them into reality. In today’s competitive environment, innovation drives success, whether through new product development, improving services, or finding more efficient ways to solve problems. The science of thought links innovation to cognitive flexibility, allowing individuals to view problems from multiple perspectives and find unique solutions.

Analytical thinking: understanding complexity

Analytical thinking is the ability to break down complex information, understand patterns, and make informed decisions based on data. In a world where data is more accessible than ever, the skill to analyse and interpret this data is crucial. Analytical thinking empowers individuals to look beyond surface-level information, delve into the details, and make decisions that are both rational and evidence-based. This skill is indispensable for decision making, problem-solving, and strategy development across various fields.

Curiosity: fuelling lifelong learning

Curiosity is the driving force behind exploration, discovery, and continuous learning. It’s the desire to understand how things work and to ask questions that lead to new insights. Curiosity encourages individuals to venture beyond their comfort zones, seek out new knowledge, and embrace learning as a lifelong journey. Within the science of thought, curiosity serves as a catalyst for innovation, problem-solving, and personal growth, ensuring that individuals remain open to new ideas and possibilities.

Empathy: understanding and connecting with others

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a skill that fosters deeper connections, improves communication, and promotes collaboration. In professional settings, empathy allows for better teamwork, stronger leadership, and more effective conflict resolution. It also plays a crucial role in emotional intelligence, which is central to the science of thought, enabling individuals to navigate social complexities and build meaningful relationships.

Critical thinking: making informed decisions

Critical thinking is the process of analysing information, questioning assumptions, and evaluating evidence to make reasoned judgments. In a world overflowing with information, critical thinking helps individuals discern what is relevant and accurate. It’s a skill that empowers people to challenge the status quo, consider alternative perspectives, and make well-informed decisions. Critical thinking is essential for problem-solving, leadership, and continuous improvement in both personal and professional settings.

Decision making: turning knowledge into action

Decision making is the ability to choose a course of action from a set of alternatives. It requires both critical thinking and analytical skills to weigh options and make the best choice. Effective decision making is vital for success in any field, whether it's determining business strategies or making personal choices. The science of thought links decision making to cognitive processing, ensuring that decisions are both rational and reflective of long-term goals.

Creativity: the power of new ideas

Creativity is the ability to generate original ideas and solutions. It’s about thinking beyond traditional boundaries and imagining possibilities that others may not see. Creativity fuels innovation, problem-solving, and personal expression. It is a key element of the science of thought, driving both artistic endeavours and practical solutions. In professional contexts, creativity leads to new products, services, and ways of working, keeping industries competitive and forward-thinking.

Communication: sharing ideas effectively

Communication is the skill that binds all other transversal skills together. It’s the ability to convey ideas, thoughts, and information clearly and effectively, whether through speaking, writing, or digital media. Effective communication is essential for collaboration, leadership, and relationship building. In the science of thought, communication serves as the bridge that translates complex ideas into actionable insights, enabling people to work together toward common goals.

In her closing remarks at SkillScape Malta 2024, Her Excellency, the President of the Republic of Malta, Myriam Spiteri Debono, emphasized the importance of teaching children how to think critically from a young age. Her remarks emphasize the central message of the campaign, reinforcing the significance of creativity, problem-solving, and mental resilience in preparing for the challenges of the future.

In conclusion, the transversal skills highlighted in the "Dream, Learn, Succeed" campaign form the foundation of the science of thought. They empower individuals to think critically, act creatively, and adapt to a rapidly changing world. While the National Skills Council does not foster these skills directly, it plays a crucial role in shaping Malta’s skills and careers landscape through policy development, stakeholder dialogue, and evidence-informed practices. By supporting the development of these essential skills, the council indirectly helps individuals succeed in their careers and navigate the complexities of life. To learn more, visit the National Skills Council’s website at or follow the Council’s Facebook page at @nscmalta.

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