Simon Salafia is giving a public talk in Maltese entitled ‘Oral sources for the names of valleys in Malta and Gozo’ today at 6pm at the University of Malta’s Faculty of Arts library, Msida campus.

Salafia will be talking about how toponyms are collected from oral sources and how these names contribute to studies about the landscape of the Maltese islands and the national language. He will also propose ways of preserving these names, which are part of our collective memory but risk being lost because they have never been written down.

The talk is part of the Oral Traditions project of the Faculty of Arts’ Department of Maltese, which is supported by the University’s Research Fund and Klabb Kotba Maltin.

Salafia has been carrying out fieldwork on place names in the Maltese islands for many years and is passionate about Maltese history and culture, especially the medieval period.

For more information on the Oral Traditions project, visit

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