(Adds government statement)

The Nationalist Party has criticised the government’s decision to raise the rent of social housing units, saying it would affect many low income families.

Opposition spokesman for social solidarity Clyde Puli said there were around 15,000 families who lived in social housing, and the increase in rent had shocked them.

Families who used to pay €50 were now going to have to pay around €200 a year, for example, Mr Puli said in a press conference this morning outside the Social Housing offices in Floriana.

These people were facing an increase in rent that doubled, tripled and even quadrupled, he said.

In 2010, a Nationalist government had decided to hold back from increasing the rent for social housing during the international crisis, even though it had a right to do so through the rent law reform, he said.

It had taken this decision because it did not want to further increase the burden on vulnerable families. However, the government of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat decided differently, Mr Puli said.

PN candidate Graziella Schembri said the increase would affect elderly people and those on low income.

This increase came in the wake of an increase in exam fees. Also, the price of petrol and diesel was still high locally when, on an international level, the prices were at their lowest, Ms Schembri said.

Mr Puli said the Opposition would insist for the government to show its social heart. The Labour government had promised to eradicate social poverty but was instead giving promotions to people close to it and affecting those who were vulnerable.


In a statement this afternoon, the government said it was ironic how the Opposition was trying to teach about the protection of vulnerable families, when, 19 months ago, it was in a position to act and decided to increase the water and electricity tariffs to the highest ever levels in Maltese history, taxing even those on the minimum wage.

The government said it was committed to acknowledge the reality of the situation and address it through measures that would strengthen the economy and create employment to help families live a better life.

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