Palazzo Falson Historic House Museum in Mdina is celebrating Valentine’s Day on February 14 with a special tour of the museum at 2.30pm.

During the event, titled ‘Valentine’s Day at the Museum’, participants will be taking a close look at some of the palazzo’s love-themed objects and delve into their hidden secrets.
After the tour, participants are invited to enjoy a cockatil and some nibbles on the museum’s rooftop.
Pre-booking is essential. For reservations, send an e-mail to or call 2145 4512.
In the event of bad weather, refreshments will be served in the refectory of the palazzo.
For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page.
Palazzo Falson Historic House Museum is managed by Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti, a non-profit heritage foundation aiming to spread awareness about our heritage through museums, publications, exhibitions and events.