The Valletta Cultural Agency has unveiled its programme of events to be held in the capital city and Grand Harbour throughout 2024.

Events like the Pageant of the Seas and Valletta Green Festival will return but the year’s main cultural event is poised to be a collaboration between Rome’s Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, KorMalta and four soloists to put on Verdi’s Requiem.

Another event will be a production of L-Għanja li Ħadd Ma Jsikket - Ray Mahoney to celebrate Mahoney, a key literary figure.

Valletta’s St George’s Square will be lit up by hundreds of flame torches during Holy Week and the capital will also host a production focused on encouraging organ donation – Taraħ Wiċċ Alla.

Other events on the calendar include Opera in the Capital and the Valletta Local Food Festival, as well as exhibitions including one focused on the works of Anthony Spagnol.

Valletta’s Strait Street will host various musical events including Tribute to the Roots, Soundscapes, Imnarja Kubana, Strait to the Blues, Definitely Dylan, Strada Stretta Styles and Holidays Rock.

Culture Minister Owen Bonnici said the programme would see many local and international artists put on a “diverse spectacle” and help the creative sector become more accessable to creators and society in general.

VCA chairman Jason Micallef noted that 2024 marks the agency’s fifth anniversary. Its CEO Catherine Tabone said the agency would be continuing its tradition of international collaborations with its Requiem for Verdi production.

For more information about the cultural programme visit

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