A selection of players and committee members of Valletta Football Club (VFC) paid a visit to Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre (SAMOC) where they met representatives of the Puttinu Cares Foundation.

The visit marks another milestone in VFC’s comprehensive community engagement initiative launched in July 2024, which has seen the club actively supporting various charitable organisations across Malta.

During the visit, the president of the Puttinu Cares Foundation, Angele Cuschieri, and CEO Rennie Zerafa acknowledged VFC’s longstanding support and provided an update on their latest project – the completion of 27 new apartments in London. These facilities will provide crucial accommodation for Maltese cancer patients and their families seeking treatment in the UK.

In a gesture of solidarity, VFC’s president, Claudio Grech, presented the foundation with specially curated gifts, including a prized piece of club memorabilia bearing the signatures of all current VFC players competing in the BOV Challenge League.

“Our work with Puttinu Cares reflects our deep commitment to supporting children and families facing challenging circumstances,” Grech said. “We look forward to continuing this important mission together in the years ahead.”

This initiative follows VFC’s recent support of Caritas Malta’s ‘Bounce Back’ programme in November.

For more information, visit https://vallettafc.net/2024/valletta-fc-shows-solidarity-with-cancer-patients-through-puttinu-cares.

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